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This course is for Executive and Security Professionals living or working in MX CITY. The course will cover basic and advanced tactics that you can use in order to drive evasively or defensively in case of a nefarious situation. AWARENESS IS KEY. Please contact operations@eessinc.com for more info.
Sometimes a vehicle is all you have. Learn to use it.

So..there i was…..11 hours and 59 minutes left of my watch. Awesome!
Well at about 8 hours in, my eyes started getting really heavy. Standing, sitting, didn’t matter. Coffee, squats, copenhagen were only short term fixes and were sometimes not allowed or feasible. Should have prepared better? Could I? More sleep prior?
Here are a couple of pointers to help you stay awake.
- If you’re on nights, get your allotted time of sleep prior no matter what. Darken your room, maintain quiet around you. That’s for starters.
- Eat right
- Stay ahead of sandman on watch and move around if you can. Rove, Patrol, walk around.
- Once you get tired, do not sit, unless the post orders mandate it, have a rotation if possible.
- Alert your buddy and check on each other every now and then.
- Do math in your head. Play memorization games, keep your mind busy.
- Set a schedule for yourself on watch and stick to it.
- Vehicle watches where you are confined to a car…have a buddy system. Walk around vic, stand outside vic, have a regular rotation.
No, this is not for marksman laying on the ground watching a target.

One thing is for sure, these moments can be quite daunting if you don’t have a professional relationship already in place, as you and your client navigate each others space and qualities you’ll both come to understand how each other operates and thinks, some of you may not even have access to your own clients but go thru a secretary or EA, and that’s ok, treat em like your client.
So…how do we develop a professional relationship from the get go? First and foremost:
- Never Lie to your client.
- Never promise something you cannot deliver.
- Never tell them what you think they want to hear as opposed to what they need to hear.
Ok so now it’s time to talk.
- Be yourself! If you have a good sense of humor use it, let em know your not a robot or killing machine for some.
- Be clear and concise with everything that comes out of your mouth.
- Be respectful of their time, in and out. Deliver the facts and keep your personal life to yourself unless they ask.
- Don’t be afraid to stand your ground…respectfully. You’re the SME in security, not them. Give them the 5ws of your counter, make them understand how our world works, remember that they make decisions based off what they know. Get them on your side by presenting the facts. Some are easy, some are not.
- Hold yourself accountable for everything. Never pass the buck.
That’s just for starters!
As we kicked off 2019 we really needed to show what makes us different as an organization. Always striving to do better and be better!
Day 1
0800 Course Intro, Rules, SOPs, Safety, Medical, Range Flanks
0830 Vehicle Familiarization , Slalom Forward and Reverse
0930 ABS Theory, Acceleration, Steering Theory
1030 Front to Back / Side to Side Contact
1130 Braking
1230 Lunch on Site
1330 J turns
1430 PIT theory and Practical-Do’s and Don’ts
1530 Chase the Rabbit
1630 ENDEX
This is a 1 DAY sample of the Driving Course.