Hiring the Right Security Company

And what to look for!
Do you hire your security services based on the verbiage on their website? Think twice about that.
When Eagle Eye started, we were forced by our customers to have infrastructure, and by that I mean our clients wanted to see that we were established….offices, employees, assets, past performance, skin the game (Time in Grade). This was a rude awakening into the business world and it’s unwritten rules. Slowly as we gained confidence and favor in the industry these caveats became normalcy, soon we willingly offered this information and never had to wait to be asked.
Once we got the physical stuff out of the way, we began to look inward, this was the hard part, clients weren’t asking us about our manpower, I guess they assumed that our employees were as top notch as everything else they had seen. We needed standards, protocols, metrics, diversity…these are just a few of the items we had to put in place in order to be the Elite of the Elite, best of the best, running parallel to bending over background to meet our clients needs and outperform our competition.
Over time we have added systems to make sure that every single man we put in the field is vetted, trained and properly aligned with the client and their requests. Our agents come from different races, colors and creeds; the only common denominator is their training/certs and the work we put into them in order to make sure they’re qualified and ready to serve our clients with the utmost professionalism and capability. Ask the right questions.