The Crucial Role of the Private Security Industry in Today’s Political Climate

discreet security team

In today’s rapidly changing and complex political landscape, the need for effective security measures has become more critical than ever. While traditional law enforcement agencies play a vital role in maintaining public safety, the private security industry has emerged as a significant force in safeguarding individuals, organizations, and even nations. This post explores the importance…

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As Seen in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fortune!

Eagle Eye Ad for magazines

We Are a Leading Security Protective Services Company International Protective Services for Executives and Businesses We are a strategic level security management group comprised of highly experienced professionals that come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from industrial security, to financial services, law enforcement, military special operations, and intelligence arenas. Our executive and business security services team…

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Stay alert, Stay alive. Watch the hands!

Body guard with luggage and female executive on their way to airport.

Knowing the Signs of Concealed Weapons In conclusion, staying safe should always be our top priority, and one of the best ways to do that is to be able to identify potential threats, including concealed weapons. Recognizing the signs of a weapon in someone’s hand, being familiar with different types of weapons, practicing situational awareness,…

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Executive Protection Advance series , Security Measures.

Crowded street

4. Security measures In this portion of our executive protection advance series we will touch on Implementing SOP’s to ensure the safety of your principal and team. This can be a very expansive topic so we will hone in on just a few bullet points . KEY POINTS -Establishing secure perimeters-Monitoring the area for any…

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Hiring the Right Security Company

And what to look for! Do you hire your security services based on the verbiage on their website? Think twice about that. When Eagle Eye started, we were forced by our customers to have infrastructure, and by that I mean our clients wanted to see that we were established….offices, employees, assets, past performance, skin the…

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Situational Awareness as a Way of Life

Situational awareness should be applied as often as possible any time you’re traveling and even at home.  Noticing the little things in our daily routine can make the difference between life and death. An individual that can identify threats in time and know how to react before the bad guys has gained the upper hand…

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